While study abroad may often seem like an added expense, there are many programs that cost the same or less than studying at Illinois.
In most cases, you may be able to apply your financial aid package to study abroad. In addition, there are a number of funding opportunities available to you, including scholarships and grants. Planning ahead is the key to study abroad and that is especially true for students with high financial need.
Questions to Consider, Tips, & Resources
Questions to Consider
What is the cost of my program?
Are there any unexpected costs that I should be aware of (meal expenses, housing costs, etc.)?Does my financial aid package apply to study abroad? If so, will I need additional funds to support this experience?
Does my financial aid package apply to study abroad? If so, will I need additional funds to support this experience?
When would be the best time to study abroad, taking my financial resources into consideration?
What kind of scholarships are available and how can I apply?
How can I best budget my expenses while abroad?
Talk to the Office of Student Financial Aid as you begin planning for study abroad. They will be able to help you better understand your financial aid package and how it applies to your program of interest.
Explore campus scholarships and apply as soon as possible.
Research external funding opportunities for students.
Consider alternative methods of financing your education abroad experience (fundraising, crowdsourcing, etc.).