Explanation of Costs

Don't be scared about paying for studying abroad. There is a little more to it then paying for a traditional semester at Illinois, but not much. We're here to help make it as simple as possible.

All IPENG programs will have links term-specific unofficial budget sheets. These budgets are estimates and intended for planning purposes only. Your IPENG advisor will upload official budgets into your My Study Abroad account following your acceptance to the program and prior to the commitment deadline. We try to minimize increases from term to term but you may observe cost increases that are set by your host institution.

All program budgets will be broken down into three sections:

1. Billable Costs

Are costs that are billed to your Illinois Student Account and can include:

a program fee, International Programs in Engineering (IPENG) program and administrative fees, University of Illinois tuition and applicable fees, & the university International Insurance and Safety Fee.

Program Fee

The program fee typically contains the fixed costs that allow the program to run, and the fixed costs of program varies widely between different programs and types of programs (exchange, direct enroll, faculty led, etc). Students will receive the program fee bill according to university billing cycles (typically August for Academic Year & Fall Semester programs, November for Winter Break, January for Spring Break and Spring Semester programs and May for Summer programs.)

Tuition & Application Fees

You will be billed Range III Illinois tuition to maintain your full-time campus status as well as some mandatory UIUC campus fees. Your tuition rate depends on individual variables such as being:

  • a resident or non-resident student
  • an international student
  • term/year you entered UIUC

For exact amounts visit: www.registrar.illinois.edu/financial/tuition.html

University Student Health Insurance

If you are enrolled in student insurance, you will continue to be enrolled in student insurance during your semester abroad. If you are not enrolled (on your parents' insurance or have private insurance from another source), you will not be enrolled in UIUC student insurance during your semester abroad.

International Health & Safety Fee

UIUC requires enrollment in international insurance for all students, program leaders, and faculty and staff participating in international travel. This insurance provides additional coverage from typical health insurance.

2. Estimated Non-Billable/Out-Of-Pocket Expenses:

These items include costs not billed through the program fee. These costs are paid out-of-pocket by the student both pre-departure (e.g., passport, flight) and on-site (e.g., meals, travel). These amounts are prepared on the basis of the best available information and are used by the Office of Financial Aid in establishing financial aid allocations to eligible students. The estimates can be used by non-aided students as guidelines for planning personal budgets and should be considered as fully adequate to cover all normal expenses and not as bare minimums. Examples include:

  • Costs billed directly to you by your program provider or host university (e.g., host university or provider instruction and fees)

  • Passport, visa application(immigration & residency fees), and supporting documents, e.g., photos

  • Accomodation & Meals

  • Books & Supplies

  • Round-trip Flight

  • Local Transportaion

  • Immunizations & Host Country Health Insurance Fees

  • Additional personal expenses

3. Illinois Student Account E-Bills

When you study abroad, you will continue to receive E-Bills from Illinois at the beginning of each month. Payment procedures for study abroad charges on your Illinois Student Account are the same as when you study on campus.

Because of FERPA regulations, the IPENG Office cannot release any information concerning your account to anyone other than you without your permission. If another individual is responsible for paying your Student Account, PLEASE AUTHORIZE THE PAYING PARTY TO ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT by completing the Release Account Information questionnaire in your study abroad program application. Please use this form to designate the individual(s) who will be in charge of your financial matters while you are abroad, and provide the individual(s) with a copy of your Program Budget Sheet. You should also set this individual on your Student Account as an Authorized Payer.

4. IPENG Withdrawal and Refund Policies:

Please refer to the IPENG webpage on withdrawals, refunds, & cancellations for more information.

*Please note that all costs can be dramatically affected by individual budgetary habits and the fluctuations of currency exchange rates against the US dollar. All students should approach the prospect of living abroad with maturity and a sense of financial responsibility.

**For complete details, refer to the budget sheet for the program you are interested in and/or the Confirmation of Participation for the program you are participating in.