"Be the engineer you needed when you were younger"
Maria "Ceci" Quiñones

Success is never achieved alone. Often, we rely on the guidance of others to get to the destination we aim towards. With the goal of developing advanced and innovative leaders in STEM, our Grad MentorSHPE program facilitates mentoring relationships for achieving professional, academic, and personal goals of both undergraduate and graduate participants through motivation, perseverance, and reflection.

Grad MentorSHPE

This mentorship program aims to expose and prepare undergraduates for advanced degree programs through peer mentoring. For graduate students, this program is a mentorship opportunity to increase minority participation in advanced degree programs, applicable to both professional and research based paths.

We base our motivations in SHPE National's mission to establish a platform to increase minority participation and success at the graduate academic level.

Why be involved?

For Undergraduates

Get paired with a grad student in a program of your interest (professional or research-based)

Gain experience with writing for admission and funding applications

Learn strategies for obtaining strong recommendations and goal setting

Obtain insight for the next steps in your academic career

For Graduate Students

Develop leadership skills through empowerment and accountability

Reflect on personal experiences and skills

Promote academic success and diversity of minorities in STEM

Build new relationships within our Chapter with other graduate students

For All Participants

Attend workshops to improve mentoring and communication skills

Learn from experienced advisors

Opportunities to network with University staff and Company representatives

Event Schedule (Spring 2021)

For accessibility, most workshop recordings are available here.

Event Name Speaker(s) Time & Date Location
Conference Funding Workshop Dr. Natasha Mamaril,
Associate Director of Undergraduate Research, Grainger College of Engineering
Monday 2/22, 5-6pm CST Zoom
Advocating for Yourself and Others Yarazeth Medina,
Assistant Director of Graduate Student Development,
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Wednesday 3/10, 4-5pm CST Zoom
Parallel Sessions on Advanced Degree Careers Various Graduate Program Representatives & Graduate Students Wednesday 4/21, 6pm CST Zoom
Breaking Stereotypes Through Mentoring Victor Cervantes, MEP Assistant Director of Recruitment and Retention,
Grainger College of Engineering
Monday 4/26, 4pm CST Zoom

Event Schedule (Fall 2020)

Event Name Speaker(s) Time & Date Location
Google Panel: Impacting Careers from Advanced Degrees Dr. Patricia Florissi, Dr. Carlos Castro Herrera, Andrew McHugh Tuesday 9/15, 6:00-7:30pm CST Google Meet
Launching into Your Career with Aerospace Corporation Dr. Randy Villahermosa, John A. Maguire, Mackenzie Puig-Hall,
Alonzo Lopez, William Chavez, Cheryl Batleman
Thursday 10/22, 5:00-6:30pm CST Zoom
Leadership Careers with Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) Emiliano Santiago-Rojas, Dr. Romarie Morales Rosado,
Dale Walker, David Manz
Wednesday 10/28, 4:00-5:30pm CST Zoom
Study Break with Argonne National Lab (ANL) Dr. Angel Yanguas-Gil, Dr. Maria De la Cinta Lorenzo Martin, Dr. Joaquin Chung, Dr. Noah Harris Paulson Monday 11/9, 3:00-4:30pm CST Zoom
How to Get Involved with Research Dr. Natasha Mamaril Thursday 11/19, 4:00-5:00pm CST Zoom

Event Schedule (Spring 2020)

Event Name Speaker(s) Time & Date Location
The Importance of Mentoring Dr. Ivan Favila, Assistant Dean in The Grainger College of Engineering Friday 2/21, 3:00-5:00pm EH 106B3
How to Select the Right Graduate Program Gabriela Vargas, Research Programs Coordinator in The Graduate College Thursday 3/12, 4:00-5:00pm MSEB 119
Panel: Overcoming Challenges in Switching Fields * Cancelled due to COVID-19 * Thursday 4/16, 7:00-8:00pm -

Program Stats

In its launch semester (Spring 2020), Grad MentorSHPE had 11 participants ranging from freshmen to graduate students.

Among the 6 graduate student mentors, 5 had experience with mentoring and 1 earned their first mentorship experience.

Interested in participating? Message Federico: shpe.uiuc.ga @ gmail.com



