E: james-scholar@engr.illinois.edu
P: (217) 333-2280
James Scholar
206 Engineering Hall
1308 West Green Street
Urbana IL 61801
The James Scholar Honors Program in the Grainger College of Engineering recognizes the talents of academically outstanding students, promotes curricular/co-curricular growth, and helps prepare students to stand out in their future endeavors.
James Scholars may also receive the following benefits:
Priority registration for classes
A special distinction as a "James Scholar" on final transcripts upon graduation
Programming to address areas such as undergraduate research, international experiences, career development, and co-curricular opportunities
Eligibility for funding opportunities
Incoming first-year students must be invited through admissions to participate in the first semester. Otherwise, students who have met the following requirements may self-nominate to be a James Scholar:
Maintain a minimum UIUC GPA of 3.50
Complete at least one fall or spring semester of fulltime UIUC coursework
Are no less than three semesters from graduation
Apply within the first 10 days of classes in the fall or spring semester in the James Scholar Portal. (We encourage you to apply in Spring 2025 from January 21, 2025, through February 3, 2025, from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CST).
Please see our campus page for COVID-19 Updates.
E: james-scholar@engr.illinois.edu
P: (217) 333-2280
James Scholar
206 Engineering Hall
1308 West Green Street
Urbana IL 61801