Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR) Program



Undergraduate students accepted to the program are expected to:

  • Commit to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week on your research project (with option to register for course credit via independent study courses with the research professor)
  • Attend all scheduled ENG 199 UGR classes during the fall semester (Wednesdays at noon)
  • Attend all scheduled Undergraduate Research Seminars during the spring semester (Monthly, Wednesday at noon)
  • Meet on a weekly basis with your research mentor in a formal setting
  • Write an abstract and create a poster of your research project for the Research Poster Expo
  • Attend the Research Poster Expo that will be held at the end of the program
  • Share their research in other on-campus and off-campus undergraduate research conferences
  • Complete the end-of-semester evaluations


  • Learn about the elements of research and develop technical communication skills (verbal and written) in the ENG 199 UGR or ISR: Undergraduate Research Seminar
  • Attend research seminar series luncheons to connect with the research community and know about various engineering research
  • Present research projects in the year-end ISUR Poster Expo that runs concurrently with the campus' Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS)
  • Receive a minimum of $500 per semester (minimum of $1000 per academic year) along with optional course credit (independent study course) for the fall and/or spring terms based on the number of hours spent on research per week