Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR) Program


The Grainger College of Engineering Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR) Program is for students who are looking for a structured two-semester research experience with a research learning community. Through the learning-by-apprenticeship model, students become familiar with the research process, develop their research skills, expose them to what graduate school entails, and gain experience needed for graduate school acceptance or research in industry.

Students in the program work closely with graduate student/postdoc mentors and faculty sponsors on research projects throughout the fall and spring semesters. They will also present their research in the spring semester during the annual ISUR Poster Expo.

Students interested in applying to the program find a research group on their own and ask a professor if they can join his/her research group. Research professors may also directly mentor undergraduate students.


To engage students in the College of Engineering and the research community, particularly through the learning-by-apprenticeship model


To expose students to science and engineering research, including multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary research


To increase student retention in science and engineering programs and the number of students who continue to pursue STEM careers