Undergraduate Assistant Openings

Research Positions Available - Fall 2024

  • AVIATE - NASA Drones

    The Center for Autonomous Vehicles In Air Transportation Engineering (AVIATE) REU offers the opportunity to work on a NASA grant project to create flying quadcopters for personal transportation.

    Program focus: A NASA grant project to create flying quadcopters for personal transportation
    Interest areas: Mechanical, electrical, aerospace, or related fields
    Eligibility: U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident; age 18+; currently enrolled student

    Prefer students who have at least one of the following in their listed experience/courses:

    • Python
    • Matlab
    • ROS
    • Computer Vision
    • Robotics
    • Hands-on experience (with quadrotor, fixed-wing aircraft, ground vehicles)

    Application Materials:

    • Transcript
    • Personal Statement (1 page or less)
    • Resume

    This is a paid research experience ($500 month) for Fall 2024, Spring 2025

    Deadline to apply: Friday, September 27, 2024

    If you have questions about the REU program or application, please contact: Stephanie Ott-Monsivais ottmonsi@illinois.edu

  • RailTEC

    RailTEC, Rail Transportation and Engineering Center, is home to a strong group of faculty and students from all branches of engineering, systems analysis, and transportation economics engaged in leading-edge interdisciplinary railway research and education activities at Illinois. RailTEC instructors specialize in a variety of disciplines of direct relevance to rail transportation. They conduct research on new and emerging technologies, and equally important, they teach classes on engineering subjects that are vital to a well-rounded education for railroad engineering professionals.

    RailTEC is looking for an undergraduate student interested in transportation engineering. The researcher will assist in laboratory experimentation with railroad ballast, and prepare samples for direct shear testing.

    This is a paid research experience for Fall 2024.

    Interested students should contact Coleman Froehlke at crf4@illinois.edu.

  • Radiation Detection Instrumentation for Sustainable and Proliferation-resistant Nuclear Fuel Cycles