Meet your EMBARK Volunteers!


Industrial Engineering

Wassup y'all, My name is Abdul and I'm a junior in Industrial Engineering. I'm involved around campus in several RSOs such as NSBE(National Society of Black Engineers) and ACA (African Cultural Association), and enjoy playing basketball and learning random things online.


Computer Science

Hi, my name is Alexis! I'm a Senior and first-generation student studying Computer Science. On campus, I'm involved in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), B[U]ILT, the Morrill Engineering Program (MEP), and the Engineering International Student Programs (EISP). I'm very passionate about computer science and education, and I plan to further research and build technology for educational settings. I enjoy playing tennis, listening to music, and learning new things!


Mechanical Engineering

Welcome to Illinois!! I am Ana, a senior studying Mechanical Engineering. I’m from the southwest side of Chicago and some of my hobbies are watching movies, going on sweet treat runs, playing/designing games, and spending time with my friends. <3



Hi, my name is Ashley Oliver! I am a Junior majoring in Bioengineering with a Chemistry minor, and I am also on the varsity Track and Field team. On campus, I am involved in the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). In my free time, I like to play golf and spend time with my friends and family.


Civil Engineering

Hello, my name is Benidel and I am an incoming senior in civil and environmental engineering. On campus, I am involved with the National Society of Black Engineers, Women in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Women in Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, and EMBRACE. In my free time, I like to go to the gym, spend time with friends, listen to music, and play checkers.


Computer Engineering

Hi, my name is Cain Gonzalez and I am a Senior studying Computer Engineering with an interest in cybersecurity. On campus I am involved in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), the Student Alliance for Increasing Representation in STEM (SAIRS) and MEP. I like to cook, ride my longboard, go to the movies, and play volleyball!


Computer Science

Hi! My name is Elisa Carrillo and I am from Brooklyn, NY. I am a rising Senior studying Computer Science, and I am the president of Black, Indigenous, Latinos in Tech. In my free time, I love to play volleyball and do arts and crafts!


Computer Science

Hi! I'm Elise, a junior in Material Science and Engineering concentrating in polymers. On campus I am involved in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Material Advantage, Keramos, and MEP. In my free time I enjoy going on runs, baking, and hanging out with friends.


Aerospace Engineering

Hi everyone! My name is Ella Greer and I'm a Junior in Aerospace Engineering. I'm a part of the National Society of Black Engineers as well as Engineering Council. In my free time, I love to paint and play Gardenscapes (if you know you know).


Mechanical Engineering

Hi! My name is Erik and I am studying Mechanical Engineering. I like Kendrick's music too.


Systems Engineering and Design

Hello! I'm Geo, a Junior in Systems Engineering and Design on a 5 year track. I like to play basketball , working out and playing video games in my free time. Feel free to reach out anytime!


Civil Engineering

Hi, my name is Grant, and I'm a senior majoring in Civil Engineering. Around campus, I'm involved in the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and the Flashpoint Photography Club. I also enjoy playing the saxophone, ice skating, and photography.


Aerospace Engineering

Hi! I am Isabela, a Latina who is going on their Junior year at Grainger College of Engineering. I am currently studying Aerospace and involved with the on-campus registered student organizations, Women in Aerospace and Liquid Rocketry at Illinois. In my free time, I love to play with my dog and spend time with my family.


Mechanical Engineering

Hi, my name is Isaiah, and I'm a junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. On campus,I'm involved with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) as Internal Vice President, a volunteer at MechSE MakerWorks Club, and a member of both Grainger's and MechSE's DEI committees. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, watching anime, playing/listening to music, and hanging out with friends.


Electrical Engineering

Hello! I am an upcoming Senior in Electrical Engineering and the Chapter Advisor for NSBE (National society of Black Engineers)! I’m excited to meet and connect with you all!


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Hi, I'm Joel Bollas, a rising junior majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Overall I’m very positive person willing to help anyone that comes my way.


Systems Engineering and Design

Hi! My name is Josseline Javier, a senior studying Mechanical Engineering and on the pre-med track. I love coffee and have tried almost every coffee shop on campus and in the Urbana-Champaign area:) I also enjoy running and recently ran a half marathon!


Computer Science + Economics

Hello Everyone! I'm Julius White, a Senior in Computer Science and Economics! I love to play basketball read books. I have been a past EMBARK student, which makes me very excited to welcome you all to UIUC!!


Mechanical Engineering

I will be a sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering. I love to make music and be active in my free time, and I am always trying to go above and beyond in every involvement on campus, such as my clubs (ASME and NSBE specifically).


Civil Engineering

Hello, my name is Luis, and I just finished my third year as a Civil Engineering student. At UIUC, I am involved in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and I will the new Alumni Relations Chair. Outside of school, I like to hang out with friends, try new activities, and seeing new places: I studied aboard in China, Spain and Guatemala.


Industrial Engineering

Hi! My name is Maximilian Elloye, I'm a junior in Industrial Engineering with a minor in Hoeft Technology and Management. On campus, my involvements include National Society of Black Engineers, Volunteer Illini Projects, and Illini Boxing. The greatest lesson I learned from MEP is that you are in college for yourself, not by yourself.

Maya Yohannes

Mechanical Engineering

My name is Maya Yohannes. I love music and being outside. I am so excited to meet you guys!

Maya Morales

Engineering Undeclared

Hi, my name is Maya! I am a rising Junior in Engineering Undeclared. In my free time, I like to listen to music, cook, hang out with friends, draw, and play video games. On campus, I have been involved with SWE (Society of Women in Engineering) tech team and been a part of a research team in Geotechnical engineering.


Computer Engineering

Hi, I'm Michael Joseph a Junior in Computer Engineering. Currently, I am apart of NSBE and MEP. I'm interested in basketball, gaming, and music (playing and listening).


Aerospace Engineering

Hello, my name is Adesuwa Osaghae. I am an incoming senior majoring in Aerospace Engineering and minoring in Computer Science. I am involved in the National Society of Black Engineers, Women in Engineering, and Illinois Space Society. In my free time I like to take walks and look up really expensive houses that I will never be able to afford.


Neural Engineering

I am part of UIUCs Bioengineering department as a Neural Engineering major. Outside of school, I like to explore campus, rock climb, run, and do puzzles.


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Hi! My name is Saliyah, and I'm a junior from Chicago, majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a minor in Art & Design. I'm a part of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Empowering Minorities and Building Representation Across Civil and Environmental Engineering (EMBRACE), and the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs Inc. on campus. I am also an Engineering Learning Assistant (ELA) for first-year Civil Engineering students. Outside of school, I like watching TV shows, drawing, painting, thrifting, and doing arts and crafts. Welcome to the University of Illinois and the MEP Community!I'm a 2nd-year Engineering student who is a part of Academic Redshirt in Science and Engineering (ARISE) under the Morrill Engineering Program (MEP). I was raised in Chicago and graduated in St. Charles, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all!



Hi! I'm Sophia, I'm a junior in Bioengineering with a minor in Computer Science! On campus, I'm involved in NSBE as EVP and I'm also a CARE tutor. Outside of my classes, I love going on runs, reading books, listening to music, hanging out with my friends, and finding the best coffee spot on campus!


Computer Science

Howdy, my name is Steve Guachun, I am from Chicago and I am a Sophomore in Computer Science. I am very involved with the Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers and hope to get involved in more stuff this year. I enjoy painting , volleyball, and taking long walks.


Mechanical Engineering

Hey, I'm Zachary, a senior studying Mechanical Engineering and I'm here to offer support. From developing professional initiatives within SHPE to building buggies with Offroad Illini, and even studying abroad in Paris, my experiences have been diverse. I'm eager to hear what you'd like to achieve during college, but I'm also down to chat about baseball, music (alt R&B), basketball, or whatever else interests you!