ESDC General Access

ESDC General Access

In order to gain access to the ESPL, prospective members must complete the following steps in this order: sign up on your team's roster, complete the DRS training modules, and complete the Prairielearn test.

Sign up on your team's roster

In order to start working towards access, you must be on the roster of one of the teams in ESPL. Each team's leadership will add members to the official roster. Teams will tell you where to submit the information needed. If you have any questions contact your team's safety officer.

If you are on multiple teams you must be on every team's roster, but only need to complete the following steps for one team only.

Division of Research Safety (DRS) Training Modules

After going your teams roster, the next step is to complete the DRS Laboratory Safety modules. They are found on the DRS website under the training tab, or click here to login and access it. After you have taken both parts, save the certificate as a PDF and send it to your team's leadership to be recorded.


Take the Prairielearn Test

Review the PowerPoint over to the right. The test is based off of the information contained in the PowerPoint and video. After you have studied, the next step is to go on Prairielearn. You will need to add the course "ESPL: Training Tests, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021".
When taking the test, make sure you take the right test, the Safety Test, for the correct team. If you take the test for a different team your score will not be recorded. You need to score greater than 96% to pass. If you have questions ask your team's leadership.

Presentation Link

PDF Link

Respiratory Fit Check Video Link