President -
Hi everyone! My name is Becca Schultz and I'm a senior in Chemical Engineering. When I graduate, I hope to work in energy or consumer products with a focus on sustainable practices. In addition to schoolwork and Alpha Omega Epsilon, I work on campus in the Department of Bioengineering and conduct undergraduate research in a lab in the Department of Chemical Engineering. I've seen The Office, Parks and Recreation, and Bob's Burgers more times than I can count, and I love relaxing with the friends I've met through A╬®E by playing board games or watching reality TV. I am so honored and excited to be the Theta chapter's President and look forward to an amazing year.
Vice President -
Hello all! My name is Christina Marelli and I am from Southern California. I am a senior majoring in Landscape Architecture and minoring in Urban Planning. My goal is to follow a career path that allows me to design sustainable solutions that can help protect cities from natural disasters and mitigate the damage. When I'm not attending A.O.E. events or hanging out in the office, I am usually spending time working on things for the American Society of Landscape Architects Student Chapter or hanging out with friends. I am super excited to be Vice President this year and show potential new members how amazing A.O.E. is!
Secretary -
Hey guys! My name is Emma Santiago and I am a sophomore in Computer Science from Naperville, Illinois. I love doing all things A╬®E, but when I get free time I love binging Netflix shows, doing crafts, and FaceTiming my family including my cat and dog. I can't wait to serve as this chapter's secretary and hope to contribute to the growth of the sorority with the executive board!
Treasurer -
Hi everyone! My name is Jackie O'Connor and I am a Junior in BioEngineering on the Imaging and Sensing track. I love painting and crafts and can often be found walking my puppy around campus or trying to convince myself to go to swim practice. I am very excited to be the Theta Chapter Treasurer and strengthen the communication between officers and approachability of the Exec Board this year!
Membership Education Director -
Hello everyone! My name is Amber DeCarlo and I am a junior in Civil Engineering from Connecticut. When I'm not studying or hanging out with my sisters I love going on adventures, crafting, and traveling! I recently finished studying abroad in Sydney, Australia and am looking forward to returning to campus and my sisters. I'm so excited to guide our Beta Upsilon class and cannot wait to meet them!