International Programs in Engineering (IPENG)

Interested in Education Abroad Opportunities?

As an Grainger Engineering International Student, you have the opportunity to study and intern abroad or gain additional international experience through the university.

Getting Involved

You can fit an international experience into your Engineering schedule. There is a wide array of opportunities from studying, interning, researching, or volunteering abroad to on-campus activities such pursuing an International Minor or participating in Global Engineering Ambassadors.

Professional Growth

Being a global engineering is invaluable! Employers seek job applicants with international experiences and intercultural skills. These experiences can be a deciding factor in selecting new employees.

Learn more

Interested in Study Abroad opportunities for international students? Click here

Upcoming Events

September 5 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Fall 2024 Engineering Study Aboard Fair

Location: Bardeen Quad (In-between Everitt Lab & Engineering Hall)

November 7 | 3:00pm-4:30pm

International Coffee & Tea Hour featuring IPENG (How to Study Abroad)

Location: John Deere Pavilion (Mechanical Building)- Room 2005