Signature Events

On top of monthly socials, occasional workshops, and community volunteering service days, the ARISE program hosts bigger recurring events to promote a healthy community, stretch our horizons, and network while enjoying the company of our peers.

Summer Bridge

Get a head start on your college experience! Move-in early August to participate in a preparatory 2-week program focusing on enhancing your critical thinking, problem solving, math, and engineering skills. We will balance all the hard work with regular social events and cohort-building activities to start forming friendships within your season. You will meet all the other incoming-ARISE students and staff and begin to familiarize yourself with campus before the big rush of students move-in. For the duration of the event, you'll reside in Illinois Street Residence (ISR) Hall and transfer to your permanent dorm at the end.

  • First-year Students

  • Aug 4th - 17th

  • On-Campus
    ISR Hall

  • Required


Following the conclusion of the Summer Bridge, you'll engage in a 3 day orientation. You'll learn about academic, financial, and health resources on campus. We'll teach you how to navigate campus and give you a proper introduction to engineering through project-based activities and by introducing you to a broader community of engineers. We will go over ARISE-specific expectations and set the scene for a successful Fall semester.

  • First-Year Students
    Second-Year Students

  • Aug 18th - 20th

  • Engineering Campus

  • Required


Every year, Dean Ivan hosts a Thanksgiving gathering and extends an invitation to all ARISE students. This is our most popular event year after year, likely due to the amazing food served, the endless amount of board games, and, weather permitting, canoeing and outdoor fun.

  • Everyone

  • November

  • Off-Campus

  • Optional

Spring Retreat

We'll venture out into a cabin for community building and personal development activities. This is a chance for everyone in ARISE to come together for a moment of bonding and fun. As a group, we reflect on the current state of the ARISE program and collectively engage in constructive discussions with the goal of improving the student experience for current and future seasons of ARISE.

  • Everyone

  • Early Spring

  • Off-Campus

  • Required

Study Abroad Trip

ARISE partners with the International Programs in Engineering (IPENG) office to sponsor a faculty-led study abroad trip for first-year students. We encourage you to take advantage of this eye-opening and perhaps life-changing experience of studying abroad. In the past, ARISE students have traveled to Bolivia, Guatemala, Trinidad & Tobago, and Jamaica on short-term trips.

Watch this video capturing moments from our trip to Trinidad and Tobago! Video credit: Pavle Ocokoljic (ARISE Scholar '27)

  • First-Year Students

  • TBD

  • TBD

  • Optional
    Additional Cost

End of the Year Cookout

ARISE scholars organize an end of year celebration to recognize and celebrate the progress and accomplishments of the community with our annual cook-out! There is no shortage of food, games, laughs, and friends. We typically congratulate our graduating seniors with a custom ARISE stole and a parting senior gift.

  • Everyone

  • Spring Reading Day

  • On-Campus

  • Optional