Adding Members

Adding members will help keep them updated on what is happening in your group!

Method 1: Manually

  1. 1

    On your group page, click Members

  2. 2

    On the top right corner, click on the blue button labeled Add Members. A pop-up should appear where you can add users by typing their names.

    The user would need to be a Grainger College of Engineering undergraduate student in order to be added. If you have users who needs to be added, contact with the users first name, last name, and as well as their netID

  3. 3

    You can also copy + paste their UIUC emails into the Paste Emails function if you have to add many members

  1. 1

    On your group page and the left taskbar, click Members > Upload Members

  2. 2

    Download the file labeled cg_members.xls which is where you will be inputting your members' information

  3. 3

    Open the file and delete the first row with the example

    In the first 3 rows (first_name, last_name, email) with your members' information and making sure to use their UIUC email not their normal one

  4. 4

    Go back to the group page and all the way at the bottom of the Upload Member page, upload the excel file in Choose File button and hit Preview Upload

    If no errors occur, then you have uploaded all of your members!

Method 2: Excel