Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) - Design Project, Diversity and Inclusion, Professional , Community Service/Volunteer, Outreach
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Landon Turvey, Email group officers
Mission AIChE is the world's leading chemical engineering professional organization with members spanning 93 countries and a variety of industries and areas of research. The organization provides networking opportunities and access to a wealth of information about the latest techniques in chemical engineering. Illinois AIChE strives to connect undergraduates in chemical engineering and related fields to these resources.
Membership BenefitsAny interested student is able to participate in most of the events AIChE hosts, such as workshops focusing on professional and academic development, general meetings, and mentor program events. However, paid membership grants students priority attendance in smaller recruitment events, the ability to attend national and regional conferences, access to intramurals, and other fun perks, such as a free AIChE tee once a year. Membership dues are twenty dollars annually, feel free to stop by Noyes 50 with any questions!